
Mixed CO2 laser cutting machine for metal and nonmetal plate

  18 Jan , 2022         Xiaoxi         130

This mixed laser cutting machine can be widely used in the cutting of non-metal materials and metal plates, with smooth cutting edges, fast processing speed, high precision and high efficiency. Operational speed, laser energy real-time adjustable, and very easy to operate.

Mixed laser cutting machine is called mixed laser cutting machine for metal and nonmetal. Its biggest feature is that it can cut both metals and non-metals. The metal materials that can be cut by the mixed laser cutting machine include stainless steel, carbon steel, and the non-metallic materials that can be cut include acrylic, density board, wood, cloth, cardboard, etc., and its application fields are very wide.
Features of Mixed CO2 laser cutting machine AKJ1390H-2:
Laser head
The laser head with red dot, can show you where the laser beam is when working. The metal laser head with ball screw and motor transmission, with auto focus function.
When the laser mixed cutting machine is cutting metal, the laser head is the selected follow-up laser head, so during the cutting process, the laser head can automatically adjust up and down as the plate to be cut fluctuates. In this way, the distance between the focusing lens and the metal sheet to be cut can be ensured to maintain a constant focal length.
This mixed laser cutting machine can be widely used in the cutting of non-metal materials and metal plates, with smooth cutting edges, no burrs, fast processing speed, high precision and high efficiency. Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises in the mass production, but also suitable for small enterprises and individual processing.Operational speed, laser energy real-time adjustable, and very easy to operate. 

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