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Reasons and Solutions for CO2 Laser does not shoot

  15 Mar , 2022         ACCTEK         553

Users often encounter some problems when operating CO2 laser cutting machines. ACCTEK provides you with a troubleshooting tip to help you recover and run your laser cutting project.
Users often encounter some problems when operating CO2 laser cutting machines. This is usually caused by an operating error, rather than a real mechanical failure. ACCTEK provides you with a troubleshooting tip to help you recover and run your laser cutting project.
When the CO2 laser is not shoot, you can follow the steps below:
Check the power connection
Press Pulse, ammeter is working, laser power supply is ok; if not working, please see the wires connection and or power supply is damaged.
Remove the laser power supply’s signal wires and Internet cable, then press TEST button. If laser shoots, tube and power supply are ok, wires do not connect well somewhere.
Please confirm wires connet correctly in motherboard.

Check your Estop
Some laser cutting machines have an emergency stop. These are usually large, bright red buttons that can be pressed quickly to cut off the power to the laser. Remember to reset the estop (by turning it until it “pops” back into the “up” position). If the emergency stop is not reset, the laser will not fire.
Check the cooling system
Another common reason why the laser does not shoot is that water does not flow through the laser tube. As a safety setting, if water does not flow through the laser tube, it will not emit laser light. When the water is not flowing or the water temperature is too high, some cooling systems will turn on an alarm. In either case, you need to check whether the cooling water is normal.
Please check your water tube connections and make sure your tubes and water chiller are assembled correctly. It is more likely that you have the water tubes reversed. The correct water tube assembly is shown in the picture.
Check your mirror
Sometimes the laser is firing, but not hitting the mirror or lens (and therefore not hitting your material). If you see the laser tube fire visually, but no laser hits your material, try an alignment test to see if your mirror tend to adjust. If you encounter problems during the operation, you can contact a technician online and he will provide you with help.
There are many reasons why the CO2 laser cutting machine does not emit laser light. Normally, you can solve it by troubleshooting according to the above steps. If there are other questions, the ACCTEK technical team will help you.

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