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Processing characteristics of laser leather cutting machines

  12 Jul , 2021         Chris         8612

The laser beam of the leather laser cutting machine focuses into a very small point of light, so that the focal point reaches a very high power density.At this point, the heat input from the beam far exceeds the part reflected, conducted or diffused

The leather laser cutting machine has narrow slit and small workpiece deformation.
   The laser beam of the leather laser cutting machine focuses into a very small point of light, so that the focal point reaches a very high power density.At this point, the heat input from the beam far exceeds the part reflected, conducted or diffused by the material, and the material is quickly heated to the point of vaporization, where it evaporates to form holes.With the relative linear movement of the beam and the material, the holes continuously form a slit with very narrow width.The cutting edge is little affected by heat, and there is no deformation of workpiece.

   The auxiliary steam body suitable for the cut material is also added during the cutting process.When steel is cut, oxygen is used as an auxiliary steam to produce exothermic chemical reaction oxidation material with the molten metal, and it also helps to blow away the slag in the cutting seam.Cutting polypropylene a plastic using compressed air, cotton, paper and other flammable materials cutting using inert gas.The auxiliary vapors that enter the nozzle can also cool the focusing lens, preventing soot from entering the lens seat to contaminate the lens and cause the lens to overheat.

   Leather laser cutting machine without burr, wrinkle, high precision, better than plasma cutting.For many electromechanical manufacturing industry, because of the computer program control of modern laser cutting system can be convenient to cut different shapes and sizes of the workpiece, it is often more preferred than punching, molding process;Although its processing speed is still slower than die punch, but it does not consume the mold, do not need to repair the mold, but also save the time to replace the mold, thus saving the processing cost, reduce the production cost, so in the overall consideration is more cost-effective.


Leather laser cutting machine is a high energy, density control of good contactless processing.


   Laser beam focused to form a very small energy point, it is applied to cutting has many characteristics.First of all, laser light energy is converted into amazing heat energy and kept in a very small area, which can provide.narrow straight edge slits.The smallest heat-affected area adjacent to the cut edge. Minimal local deformation.Secondly, the laser beam does not exert any force on the workpiece.It is a contactless cutting tool, which means that the workpiece has no mechanical deformation.No tool wear, nor tool conversion problem.Cutting material does not need to consider its hardness, that is, the laser cutting ability is not affected by the hardness of the material to be cut, any hardness of the material can be cut.Thirdly, laser beam has strong controllability, high adaptability and flexibility, so It is very convenient to combine with automatic equipment, and easy to realize the automation of cutting process.Because there is no restriction on cutting workpiece, laser beam has unlimited copying cutting ability.Combined with the computer, the whole board can be arranged, save materials.


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